Technology is changing every single day. Just take a second to think about how different things were just 10 years ago. It is difficult to imagine what the world will look like as we go forward into the future. In dentistry, technology and techniques are constantly evolving so patients can receive the best possible care with lasting results. Read on to learn more from a dentist in Midlothian about the trends you can expect to emerge in the next decade.
(more…)Marvel Dental - Midlothian Blog
5 New Dental Trends That Will Likely Emerge in the Next Decade
May 2, 2021
4 Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry That You Shouldn’t Believe
April 30, 2021
Are you looking to enhance the great features of your smile? One of the great things about living in today’s world is the fact that you don’t need to settle for a smile that you don’t feel confident about showing off. There are all sorts of cosmetic dental treatments out there meant to help you feel great about your pearly whites. However, there is a lot of misinformation out there as well. Continue reading to learn about some common cosmetic dentistry myths and why they aren’t true.
(more…)4 Steps to Take When You Knock Out a Tooth
March 17, 2021
Having a tooth knocked out can be both alarming and extremely stressful, but it doesn’t mean that you will have to go the rest of your life without it. By getting the dental attention you need right away, you can have your tooth replanted and it can last for many years to come. By acting quickly, you can make this a more likely possibility. Continue reading to learn which steps you should take if you have a knocked-out tooth before you can get to your emergency dentist in Midlothian.
(more…)5 Medical Conditions That Your Dentist Might Find First
February 9, 2021
When you go in for your regular dental checkup every six months, you probably think that it is all about keeping your teeth healthy. While this is the main priority of your dentist, the truth is that they check for much more beyond dental issues. In fact, your mouth says a lot more about your body than you may think. There are all sorts of conditions that your dentist may spot faster than anyone else. A dentist in Midlothian shares a few of them.
(more…)Be the Early Bird at the Dentist’s Office This Year
January 15, 2021
The new year has finally arrived, and like many others, your schedule is probably filling up quickly. Plus, there’s a good chance you skipped out on a few things last year due to the pandemic. While you’re making a list of what to catch up on, be sure to add a visit to your dentist to the top. Keep reading to hear why your Midlothian dentist recommends you schedule your dental checkup as early as possible at the start of the new year to save you time and money.