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4 Tips to Help You Understand Your Dental Insurance

September 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlothianmarveldental @ 1:31 pm
dentist in Midlothian smiling while talking on phone and holding blue clipboard

When you first get dental insurance, it can be difficult to understand. In fact, many people aren’t even aware that dental insurance is completely different from medical insurance. Because people generally use medical insurance more often, they may get confused about what their dental insurance plan actually covers. Keep reading below as a dentist in Midlothian offers four easy tips to help you better understand your dental insurance.


Don’t Let COVID-19 Delay Your Dental Appointment

August 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlothianmarveldental @ 4:34 pm
No-touch temperature check at dentist in Midlothian

You’re doing a lot to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. By working from home, wearing a face covering, and limiting your public outings, you are significantly reducing your likelihood of becoming sick with the virus. Fortunately, your dentist in Midlothian is taking plenty of steps to ensure that maintaining the health of your smile is both accessible and safe! Continue reading to learn why you shouldn’t be delaying your dental appointments due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


9 Touch-Free Ways to Greet Others Safely in COVID-19

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlothianmarveldental @ 1:28 am
Smiling woman waves at her Midlothian dentist in COVID-19

From getting groceries to connecting with family, our daily lives look very different than they did before the COVID-19 pandemic. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe from the coronavirus, it’s essential that you avoid or limit close contact with those who don’t live with you. Since that means no handshakes or hugs, how are you greeting those around you in the age of social distancing? Your Midlothian dentist shares nine touch-free ways to say hello that won’t spread germs during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Dentistry and COVID-19: 4 Changes You Can Expect at Your Next Appointment

June 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlothianmarveldental @ 3:40 pm
Dentist in Midlothian wearing a face shield

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, life as we knew it came to a halt. Warm hugs were exchanged for elbow bumps, normal errands were considered potentially dangerous, and our homes became our hideouts. However, with the implementation of social distancing and face masks, people have begun to transition into their new normal, starting with their summer trip to the dentist. Since your next appointment will look quite different than your last, your dentist in Midlothian is sharing four changes you can expect.


How Do Dental Teams Keep Their Instruments Clean in COVID-19?

May 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — midlothianmarveldental @ 2:45 am

Sterilized dental instruments used by your Midlothian dentistTo keep themselves and their loved ones safe from the COVID-19 pandemic, healthy habits and sanitation standards are on everyone’s mind. If you need to visit your dentist after weeks in quarantine, you may be asking yourself how they keep all those devices that get close to your mouth germ-free. Thankfully, dental practices have always been excellent at maintaining high standards of infection control and sanitation protocols. Read on to learn a few different ways your Midlothian dentist and their team keeps their instruments clean during COVID-19.


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