Are you interested in Invisalign because you’d prefer not to deal with “metal mouth?” If so, you’re not alone. That’s why more than 17 million patients have chosen this orthodontic treatment over the last two decades! There’s more good news though: there are six non-cosmetic benefits of Invisalign that are equally as noteworthy. To learn what they are, read on.
1. The Aligners Are Metal-Free
While having metal-free aligners certainly has its aesthetic advantages, there’s something else to consider: no soft tissue irritation. In other words, Invisalign trays don’t just look great; they feel great too! Plus, you can easily alleviate any discomfort that does arise from the movement of your teeth with OTC pain medication.
2. The Average Treatment Timeline Is Shorter
Although there are multiple factors to consider – from the severity of the patient’s case to how well they follow the treatment guidelines – traditional braces typically take 2-3 years. Conversely, the average treatment timeline with Invisalign is only 12-18 months! So, there’s a good chance your teeth-straightening journey will be considerably shorter.
3. There Aren’t Any Dietary Restrictions
It’s true! While traditional braces require you to cut out whole apples, almonds, popcorn, tortilla chips, celery, and other crunchy foods, there aren’t any dietary restrictions with Invisalign. The only guideline is that you need to keep your consumption of sugary and starchy snacks to a minimum to prevent cavities (and remove your aligners beforehand, of course).
4. There Are Fewer Check-In Visits
Whether you have a full schedule this semester, work is busier than ever, or you’re a new parent, you don’t have to worry about monthly adjustment appointments with Invisalign. Instead, you can progress through several sets of trays at home. Then, every 6-8 weeks, you’ll have a check-in visit with your dentist so they can monitor how your teeth are moving.
5. It Doesn’t Take Long to See Progress
One of the many benefits of clear aligners is that they are see-through. Not only that, but they are removable. So, you can watch as your teeth begin to move closer and closer to their properly aligned positions. Before you know it, you’ll have a straighter, healthier, and even more beautiful smile!
6. The Aligners Can Fix Multiple Orthodontic Problems
There’s a common misconception that Invisalign can only fix small gaps and slight overcrowding. That’s not the case! Over the last two decades, clear aligners have helped patients with crooked teeth, open bites, significant gaps, and several other common orthodontic problems. So, if you are unhappy with the alignment of your teeth or bite, don’t just assume you need traditional braces.
About the Practice
If you reside in the Midlothian area and are considering Invisalign, then don’t hesitate to visit our team at Marvel Dental! Our office is outfitted with cutting-edge dental technology, we’re open five days a week, and we welcome several financial solutions so you don’t have to stress about the cost. If you’re ready to schedule a consultation, then visit our website or call (682) 772-3072.